Saturday, June 8, 2019

7 Symptoms Of Dangerous Diseases Ignored By Many Women


The diseases that women can experience can be a little bit sneaky, the symptoms they can get can often mask themselves as something not that important and won’t get noticed so easily. But there is something that all women need to pay attention to, that they might not suspect that it’s unusual behaviour of the body, but it actually is. Your body can be subtly giving you hints, so we picked 7 symptoms that can be most common among women and can be often missed.

7 Signs & Symptoms Of Dangerous Diseases Ignored By Many Women

1. Unexpected Weight Gain

What It Mean:

Don’t get too excited if the scale measures that you’ve lost 2 pounds or more in a short period of time. Sometimes this can be a symptom of Crohn's disease, type 2 diabetes, or cancer. However it is, there’s definitely something wrong with the body.

How To Recognise There's A Problem:

If you lost 10-15 pounds in the last 2 months and you’re not doing anything new into your diet or workout, or you don’t do any sports or dieting, immediately see a doctor.

2. Bleeding After Menopause

What It Mean:

Women usually notice blood after the menopause. The blood can be an indication of dangerous diseases like cervicitis, uterine cancer, myoma or other pathological processes.

How To Recognise There's A Problem:

Women that take hormone therapy can observe after 2 years of menopause bleeding like menstruation, and this is quite usual for them, it’s somehow expected. In other cases, you should consult with a doctor.

3. Increased Urination

What It Mean:

This is a sign that we all might not observe, we blame the water, the supplements, the smoothies etc. but women, if this happens to you, and this is a sign of kidney failure of problems with the urinary tract. It can also be a hormonal misbalance or vaginal flora misbalance too. And if you urinate often and always feel thirsty, it’s a sign of diabetes.

How To Recognise There's A Problem:

Sometimes it may seem that you need to visit the bathroom too often when actually you don’t. The normal variety of toilet needs is counted as 4-10 times a day if you consume the normal quantity of water. If you have noticed that you need to go out more frequently, visit a doctor.

4. Any Changes In Breast

What It Mean:

The first signs of breast cancer can be very hard to notice. When it comes to pain in the lymph nodes and the breasts, you’re already too late.

How To Recognise There's A Problem:

Don’t underrate your own observing of your body, breast cancer can give you minute hints that something’s happening inside. Your nipples may be swelling, red or wrinkled skin, lumps and so on. Facing breast pain before your period is quite natural, but if this is happening on a daily basis, immediately visit a doctor.

5. Hair In Places Where It Should Not Be Hairy

What It Mean:

Excessive body hair (also known as Hirsutism) means that there is a high quantity of male hormones in the body. The changes to the female outcome are definitely not the bad thing, because this leads to more serious health issues like infertility, metabolism disorder, and it’s increased the chance of breast cancer and endometrial diseases.

How To Recognise There's A Problem:

Don’t start to fear when you read this article, women often think that almost all body hair is excessive. But if you observe too much moustache than normal, visit your physician. There’s a chart that can aid you with that.

6. Heavy Periods

What It Mean:

The reasons can be very simple (a hereditary condition, adjustment to a new climate, or even working too much out in the gym) but they can be also very serious (a uterine myoma, endometriosis thyroid dysfunction). This can also be a sign of anaemia.

How To Recognise There's A Problem:

If your period lasts for more than 7 days, this is a worrying sign, especially if the blood is bright red. A natural period cycle is from 21-35 days long, and the most vital is that it should be stable. Don’t be shy when it comes to visiting a gynaecologist, there’s no question that is “not too important” when it comes to your health.

7. Atypical Excretions

What It Mean:

It may be that your body is facing some inflammatory activity or has an infection. There can be a lot of reasons behind this, it can come from unprotected sex or maybe your body is combating something else. Whatever it is, see a doctor.

How To Recognise There's A Problem:

Excretions should NOT be green or smelly and don’t confuse this with the excretions between periods.

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Bottom Line:

There you have it! 7 Symptoms Of Dangerous Diseases Ignored By Many Women! If you liked this post, please share it with your friends and also follow us on Pinterest for more helpful detox and weight loss tips.

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