Monday, January 20, 2020

The 21 Best Skin-Care Tips of All Time, According to Dermatologists


Looking for skin-care advice? Enter, a dermatologist. Well, more like 11 dermatologists who have generously shared some of their best skin-care tips with us.
Now, these aren't your run-of-the-mill skin-care tricks, but rather rules they've learned and recommended to patients throughout their careers. For example, when and where to wear sunscreen (answer: everywhere and always), how to layer your skin-care products, and why chemical peels could be an important part of your routine.

Keep reading to learn one (or 21) new skin-care tips and tricks — all approved by dermatologists

1. Period skin is real.

Everyone's skin suffers from periods when nothing is working. But masks balance skin quickly: Clays reduce oil, and gels calm redness. —Ellen Marmur

2. Kick dryness at night.

If you wake up with dry skin, change your bedtime routine, not the morning one. It’s easier to head off dryness at night than to reverse it the next day. —Doris Day

3. Cleansing cloths shouldn't be your first line of defense.

Face wipes may be more convenient than old-school cleansers, but don't rely on wipes to detox skin if you live in a city where pollution is high. —Zoe Draelos

4. Multi-mask.

You don't have to use one product on your entire face. Try glycolic acid on the T-zone to minimize breakouts and thick creams elsewhere. —Dendy Engelman

5. Take your time when applying products.

When layering, let each product absorb for two or three minutes so it's not counteracted or diluted by the next one you put on. —Neil Sadick

6. The sun is responsible for fine lines.

Ninety percent of fine lines are caused by sun exposure, which makes sunscreen the ultimate ingredient for younger-looking skin. Use an SPF 30 or higher daily. —Day

7. Consider a chemical peel.

Weekly chemical peels help healthy bacteria grow. Gritty scrubs have the opposite effect, triggering collagen-destroying enzymes. —Whitney Bowe

8. Glycolic acid works, too.

New to chemical peels? Try glycolic acid for normal skin, salicylic acid for oily or combination skin, and gentle lactic acid for dry or sensitive skin. —Day

9. Vitamin C is your friend.

Use brighteners (we like vitamin C) within six months of seeing a dark spot. Melanin goes deeper into the skin over time, so it's harder to reach. —Jessica Wu

10. Sweep up oil with a foaming face wash.

If you're breaking out along your hairline, it could be from the oil in your hair products. A foaming face wash cuts through the oil without being harsh. —Patricia Wexler

11. Self-care with a sheet mask.

Sheet masks push hydrating ingredients into the skin. Put one on over your moisturizer for 10 minutes at night, and your skin will be dewy the next day. —Day

12. Be patient when using retinol.

Using retinol is a marathon, not a sprint. It stimulates collagen but can irritate. Start using it once per week, over a moisturizer. —Joshua Zeichner

13. Acne products come in many formulas.

Benzoyl peroxide kills P. acnes bacteria; use it all over to prevent breakouts. A 2.5 or 5.5 percent formula works without flaky side effects. —William James

14. Blackheads hate salicylic acid.

Salicylic acid is really only ideal for blackheads and whiteheads. If it dries you out, look for it in a face wash and let it sit on your skin for 30 seconds. —Zeichner

15. Integrate fatty acids into your routine.

Your skin uses omega fatty acids to produce lipids (moisturizing oils) and studies show that omega-3 supplements improve skin's lipid levels and hydration. —Wu

16. Apply sunscreen — everywhere.

Don't forget sunscreen on your ears, hairline, neck, hands, and chest. Dermatologists can look at your décolleté to see how old you are. —Ranella Hirsch

17. Pack an extra pillow for puffy eyes.

If you wake up to puffy eyes, add an extra pillow under your head while you sleep — gravity drains enough fluid to help with next-day puffiness. —Zeichner

18. Peel pads are almost too easy not to use.

Glycolic acid treats lines and dark spots. It's most effective in individually wrapped peel pads (the pH of glycolic acid can change when it’s exposed to air). —Wu

19. Don't towel off.

If your skin is ashy, make one easy change: Don't dry it completely before moisturizing. Creams seal in hydration and work best with a little water. —Hirsch

20. Swap out your sunscreen.

Dryness, redness, and tight skin are signs that you may need to switch to a higher SPF. Try a new sunscreen and see if the issues go away in a few days. —Sadick

21. Fight hyperpigmentation during the day.

Treat dark spots using antioxidants during the day. At night, apply topical retinoids to enhance cell turnover to shed pigment. —Zeichner

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Beat menopause with a 10,000-year-old Chinese secret

For some women, menopause is barely a bump in the road.
For others, it brings a nightmare of hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, depression, fatigue and headaches.
Doctors treat menopause-like it’s a disease rather than a transitional part of a woman’s life. And, conventional treatment using hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can cause problems like bleeding, bloating, breast tenderness or enlargement, headaches, mood changes and nausea — and potentially increase your cancer risk.
So, where does that leave you if you are suffering from the extreme symptoms of menopause but don’t want to risk adding even more issues by taking that pill or using that cream?
Luckily, there is an answer in a 10,000-year-old traditional Chinese practice that has helped many women overcome the challenges of menopause and reduce the severity of their symptoms, including the frequency and intensity of hot flashes, sleep and mood disturbances, stress and muscle and joint pain.

The practice that restores vitality

Qigong translated literally means a skilled practice that restores vitality. It’s been practiced in China for centuries to cultivate health and support mental, emotional, and spiritual awakening.
The goal for women practicing qigong is to successfully connect the mind and body to reduce menopausal symptoms by initiating harmony of the mind, body and spirit and by balancing the hormones that are responsible for all of the chaos.
And let me explain why that’s so important…
The results of not one but two studies, found that lack of sleep and the symptoms of menopause cause women to age faster — not the other way around.
“For decades, scientists have disagreed over whether menopause causes aging or aging causes menopause,” said Steve Horvath, a professor of human genetics and biostatistics at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, and a senior author on both studies. “It’s like the chicken or the egg: which came first? Our study is the first to demonstrate that menopause makes you age faster.”
And who wants to age faster?
Qigong’s secret to easing the symptoms of menopause lies in these 3 steps:
  1. The activation of the “Power Center” Sacrum related to boosting the energy levels of the reproductive system.
  2. The development of the Reproductive Energy Pathways and reproductive glands which include the Testes/Prostate or Ovaries/Uterus.
  3. Reversing the energy flow of the reproductive energies from outward to inward. This will allow the body to digest more of its reproductive energies for upgrading our energy levels that can be used for healing, personal growth and spiritual development.

How to get started

If you are suffering from the annoying and aging symptoms of menopause, it is time to try qigong.
Easy Health Options is fortunate that martial arts and Traditional Chinese Medicine expert, Dr. Mark Wiley, is a regular contributor. You can find a few qigong videos in Dr. Wiley’s posts, like this one that features the 9 Brocade Qigong set — which are among the best exercises to rejuvenate the mind, body and energy systems. Each specific exercise in the set moves a different series of body parts stretches energy meridians and affects the organ systems in different ways.
Just remember, the longer you practice, the bigger the benefits you’ll see.
In fact, one study showed that women who practiced qigong for 30 minutes per day saw significant improvements in sleep quality and menopausal symptoms at 6 weeks and again at 12 weeks of practice.
Qigong is easy to learn and suitable for almost all fitness levels.
So, instead of turning to hormone replacement and suffering the side effects that come with it, try tackling the symptoms of menopause the traditional Chinese way and attain vibrant health and vitality by connecting your mind, body and spirit through the practice of qigong.

10 Common Symptoms and Signs of High Blood Pressure

Common Physical Symptoms of High Blood Pressure 

High Blood Pressure or Hypertension is the measure of force against arteries. Do you have high blood pressure? Do you know what are common symptoms and signs of high blood pressure? This article will give you some comprehensive information about the common signs and symptoms of high blood pressure.

Most people ignore high blood pressure, but over time blood pressure that is too high can lead to serious problems with your heart, kidneys, brain, and eyes.

Understanding the Numbers

Facts about High Blood Pressure aka Hypertension:
  • Normal blood pressure is 120/80.
  • If this reading goes above 140/90, then you consider yourself as a hypertensive patient.
  • Between 120 and 140 is a pre-hypertensive stage which can usually be controlled by natural measures like proper diet, exercise, quitting smoking, better sleep, and avoiding calcium.

How to Know You Have High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure typically has no symptoms at all that is why it is called the “Silent Killer.” There are, however, many coincidental symptoms that are widely believed to be associated with high blood pressure. These include headaches, nosebleeds, dizziness, a flushed face, and fatigue. Although people with high blood pressure may have many of these symptoms, they occur just as frequently in those with normal blood pressure so the symptoms listed below are just a general outline that may prompt you to seek further medical evaluation.
10 Common Signs and Symptoms of High Blood Pressure
  • Headache
  • Nosebleeds
  • Breathlessness
  • Tinnitus (Ringing in Ears)
  • Sleepiness and Insomnia
  • Confusion
  • Fatigue
  • Profuse Sweating
  • Vomiting
  • Low libido or lack of sexual desire
  • Blurred vision

If you don’t have the above symptoms, it doesn’t mean that you don’t or do have high blood pressure. Rather, it means you might need to consider further evaluation. Get yourself checked by because High Blood Pressure is a killer.

Bottom Line:

There you have it! 10 common symptoms and signs of high blood pressure! If you liked this post or found it helpful, please share it with your friends and also take a moment to follow us on Pinterest for more helpful sign and symptoms.

10 Early Warning Signs of Gluten Intolerance – Everyone Should Aware of!

Gluten intolerance or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, is a common problem occurring in human body due to the adverse reactions to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley etc. Gluten intolerance extends to an advanced form called Celiac disease.
This is an autoimmune disease that damages the digestive system. There are also possibilities of non-celiac gluten sensitivity that can still be a problem. Both forms of gluten intolerance can cause severe symptoms that are not dependent upon digestion.
As per the recent study,  50+ diseases have been linked to gluten (a form of protein found in rye, wheat, and barley). It is also estimated that 15% of the US population is gluten intolerant.

10 Early Warning Signs of Gluten Intolerance

The following are the main symptoms of gluten intolerance.

1. Bloating

Bloating is a condition where one feels that the stomach is swollen and rigid after food. This may also be a sign of gluten intolerance. Bloating is one of the main symptoms that appear in people who are sensitive to gluten.
A study reveals that 87% of people who are suspected to have non-celiac gluten exhibit the symptom of bloating.

2. Diarrhea, Constipation and Smelly Feces

Diarrhea and constipation occur often when we consume food that is not cooked properly or old. But occasionally, it is caused due to gluten intolerance. When it occurs due to gluten intolerance the gut lining is damaged and that results in poor nutrient absorption.
This results in digestive discomfort and frequent diarrhea and constipation. More than 50% of gluten-sensitive individuals regularly experience diarrhea, while about 25% experience constipation.
Furthermore, individuals with celiac disease may experience pale and foul-smelling feces due to poor nutrient absorption. Frequent diarrhea can cause some major health concerns, such as loss of electrolytes, dehydration and fatigue.

3. Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain is usually caused due to indigestion or some other digestive problem. But it is the most common symptom of gluten intolerance. Around 83 % of people with gluten intolerance undergo pain in abdomen after consuming gluten.

4. Headache

Headache is a very common problem among normal people. It may occur during long travels, continuous exposure to sound etc. Specially, migraines are common among all over the world.
Interestingly, studies show that Migraines may also be caused due to gluten intolerance. If the Migraines occur frequently without any cause, then that may be because of gluten intolerance.

5. Feeling Tired

Fatigue is always with us. We feel tired whenever we do a heavy work that day. Every night we feel tired due to the day-long work that we carry out. However, if tiredness prevails all through the day and continuously, the cause may be gluten intolerance.
Gluten intolerance people often experience tiredness after their meal, especially when the meal contains gluten. The gluten also causes anemia, that can bring about more tiredness and fatigue.

6. Skin Problems

Gluten intolerance can affect the skin, Dermatitis herpetiformis, a blistering skin condition can be manifested due to gluten intolerance.
Many other skin diseases such as Psoriasis, Alopetia areata, chronic, utricaria show improvement in their respective conditions while on a gluten-free diet.

7. Depression

Depression or tension always affects the adults. Depression is accompanied by sadness and hopelessness. People with digestive issue experience more depression and anxiety compared to healthy people.
Depression is common among people with celiac disease. Abnormal serotonin levels, gluten exorphins, changes in gut microbiota are some of the main reasons why gluten intolerance can drive depression.
Several studies show that individuals self-reported gluten intolerance opt for a gluten0free diet since they feel better, even though their digestion tract is not cleared.

8. Unexplained Weight Loss

Weight loss occurs due to non-proper diet, diabetes etc. But unexplained weight loss can occur due to celiac disease.
A study suggests that two thirds of the people with gluten intolerance exhibit weight loss in around six months. The weight loss may be due to the poor nutrient absorption and other digestive symptoms.

9. Anemia

We have already seen that gluten intolerance causes anemia. It is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world. Due to celiac disease, the absorption of nutrients in the large intestines is impaired and thus iron content in the body reduces.
This iron deficiency causes tiredness, headaches, dizziness etc. Anemia can occur in children as well as adults due to gluten intolerance.

10. Anxiety

Anxiety is a mental condition that occurs commonly around the world. Individuals with gluten intolerance seem to be more prone to anxiety and panic disorders than healthy individuals. 40% of people who have self-reported gluten intolerance experience severe anxiety.

So, beware of all these symptoms as well as your regular diet so that you can get a remedy for gluten intolerance as soon as possible… ðŸ˜Š

Weird Early Pregnancy Symptoms: 25 Signs You Might Miss

These weird early pregnancy symptoms can start before your missed period, and can easily be overlooked!
Most women have searched the internet for “earliest pregnancy signs” at least once (or a dozen times). While trying for my son, I practically had the main symptoms memorized.
There were quite a few strange pregnancy symptoms that I came across while researching and looking through mom groups on Facebook. And now that I’ve been pregnant twice, I’ve experienced some weird symptoms of my own. 
Some of them should have tipped me off that there was bun in the oven, but I’ll be honest – with my first pregnancy, it went straight over my head! It wasn’t until I got a positive pregnancy test that I put two and two together.
Today I thought I’d share some of the weird very early pregnancy symptoms that can happen immediately in the first week. These symptoms and signs can show themselves anytime after conception, so if you think you might be pregnant, look over this list. You would be surprised what our bodies can go through during pregnancy, even in those early days!


Early Pregnancy Ultrasound
Keep scrolling to see the master list of weird early pregnancy symptoms. This section recounts the totally weird symptoms that I experienced with both of my pregnancies before I missed my period or got a positive pregnancy test.


My first pregnancy was partly planned, partly a surprise. My husband and I were engaged and essentially stopped being careful, but I wasn’t exactly tracking my cycle either. There was a point where we started wondering if something was “wrong” so we didn’t focus on timing. We figured it would happen when it was meant to happen.
Well nine months in, it finally happened! I noticed a few strange symptoms very early on that should have tipped me off, but they didn’t. I shrugged them off. Once I took a pregnancy test on the day of my expected period (simply out of curiosity I might add), it all made sense.
This was my pregnancy with my sweet boy, Marshall, for those of you that are curious about gender.
Here are the weird early symptoms that I missed in the first 3 weeks of my pregnancy:
Bleeding Gums While Brushing Teeth
  • Leaking Breasts (yeah, I know… I don’t know how that didn’t tip me off either. It was in my Montgomery tubercles)
  • Heartburn and GERD (which I had never experienced before)
  • Mood Swings (like, severe mood swings, y’all)
  • An Extraordinary Urge To Clean, Save Money, and Get Our Lives Together (It was strong!)
I also experienced extremely sore breasts, but that’s common, and can also be explained away as PMS. These were, in my opinion, uncommon pregnancy symptoms to experience in the first month, before I even missed my period.


My second pregnancy was planned as well. In fact, it was done with much more purpose. It took exactly one and a half weeks of “trying” for me to get pregnant with Miss Madelyn. And I just knew I was pregnant.
Being a few years older, and having had a baby before, I felt much more in tune with my body and my cycle.
While I know that the first signs of pregnancy can vary vastly with each child, I couldn’t believe it once it was actually happening. Even though I was certain I was pregnant, these symptoms still threw me for a loop.
Here are the early signs of pregnancy that I experienced with my second pregnancy:
  • Cramping (But somehow I knew they weren’t period cramps. They were stronger.)
  • Hot Flashes
  • Acne (Generally I don’t get acne.)
  • Darker Nipples
  • Total and Complete “Mom Brain” (I’m not joking. There was one day in particular, about 5 days before my positive pregnancy test, where I couldn’t remember things I had just asked my husband. I asked him the same questions several times, felt lost and confused, and like I was in a haze.)
  • I Just Felt “Different”
With this pregnancy, I was able to take an early pregnancy test and get positive results. I was only 3 weeks pregnant when I got a faint positive with my favorite pregnancy tests(Seriously, these are a lifesaver and I recommend them to everyone I know that’s trying to conceive, breastfeeding, or experiencing irregular periods. They’re so cheap and buying in bulk is the way to go.)


Weird Pregnancy Symptoms Before Missed PeriodHere is the full list of unusual early pregnancy symptoms that you might miss. These can all be experienced immediately after conception, depending on the person.


While not totally uncommon, it is pretty strange, isn’t it? Some women experience nosebleeds due to the increased blood volume, even in early pregnancy.


Your basal body temperature rises right after conception, sometimes well before you’re able to get a positive pregnancy test. You may also experience hot flashes!


Yeah, as if pregnancy wasn’t fun enough, Mother Nature felt like throwing in a little constipation too. This can happen as soon as progesterone levels increase, so yes. Very early.


Okay, everyone has heard of implantation bleeding. The thing is it’s often mistaken for a light period, especially when someone isn’t paying very much attention to their body. If you’re not paranoid about being pregnant, you might not notice the fact that the bleeding is sparse and inconsistent.
This symptom definitely makes it hard to tell if you’re pregnant or not sometimes.


Did you forget to eat breakfast, or are you pregnant? Dizziness is often shrugged off as simple dehydration, exhaustion, or hunger. But it can actually be a very early sign of pregnancy!


Who would have guessed that headaches could be an early sign of pregnancy? They can occur at any point in pregnancy, but they’re most common in the first and third trimesters. It may be a big tip off if you don’t usually have headaches, but for those who suffer from them often, it could go completely unnoticed.


Have you ever noticed that most early signs of pregnancy could also be just be Aunt Flo about to make her monthly visit? That’s super convenient, right?
What’s worse is it can feel similar to period cramps. For me, it felt very different. I had pretty bad cramping during what I assume was the time of implantation, and it made me feel a little nauseous and sick as well. But every woman is different, and it may be mistaken for period cramps.


Vaginal discharge changes throughout your cycle, so this symptom can be easy to miss. Is it a normal change, or a sign of pregnancy? It’s hard to say. Sometimes it can take on a cloudy, thick appearance after conception, but only those who are on top of checking themselves and paying close attention will catch it.


If you thought nosebleeds were weird, how about a stuffy nose? The increase in mucous production doesn’t just happen “down there.” It can affect your sinuses as well.


Many women claim to have cold or flu-like symptoms in the first trimester. I certainly experienced them briefly with my second pregnancy, and it was well before I was able to get a positive pregnancy test. In fact, it was just a few days after ovulation.


Your blood volume increases while pregnant, and it happens pretty quick! One of the first signs of pregnancy that women experience is bleeding gums while brushing their teeth.


Yes, your boobs get the memo long before you’re able to get a positive pregnancy test. They don’t waste any time! They’ll start preparing for your baby from the get-go. But remember – if you never leak or feel “full” during pregnancy, that’s not an indication that you’re going to struggle to breastfeed. Every pregnancy is different, and your milk won’t come in until your baby is a couple of days old.


We all know nausea is a common symptom in the first trimester of pregnancy, and along with that sometimes comes aversions to specific foods. Whether it’s the smell or just the thought, there may be some dishes that you used to love that suddenly make your stomach turn!

12. ACNE

We always hear about women “glowing” during their pregnancy, but not all of us are that lucky. And for many of us, that pregnant glow isn’t going to show until the second trimester (if at all).
Some women experience acne due to all of the hormonal changes going on in your body in early pregnancy.


Pregnancy brain can strike super early. Take it from me! I experienced it almost a week before I was able to get an accurate pregnancy test reading. As I mentioned above, I felt flustered, confused, and just “off”. I kept forgetting what I was doing and asked my husband the same questions over and over.


Surely you’ve heard that your nipples can get darker during pregnancy, but did you know it can happen immediately? Many women experience dark nipples before their missed period.
Do you feel yourself getting tired at 8pm when you usually stay up until 11? Do you feel like taking a nap after lunch? If you’re feeling unreasonably tired, you very well may be pregnant!


No one knows why women experience strange and vivid dreams while pregnant, but it happens!


We’ve all heard of breasts becoming sore or tender, or even feeling full during pregnancy. But have you heard of them feeling tingly? Yeah, tingly breasts are an early sign of pregnancy.


Yes, and the best combination is when you are also constipated. There’s a reason pregnant women are cranky.


If it feels like you have a mouthful of pennies, it can actually be a sign of an underlying health issue. Or, pregnancy! The influx in hormones throws your body off, and it even affects your tastebuds!


While mood swings aren’t really weird or unknown, they can go unnoticed. After all, for the woman experiencing them, their feelings seem completely valid. When I’ve lost my temper on my husband over something dumb while pregnant, I didn’t always think about how crazy I was acting until later.


Yes, just like me, you may experience heartburn for the very first time while pregnant. For me, it happened well before I missed my period. Don’t overlook this symptom like I did! It usually happens to pregnant women because of the surge in progesterone irritating your stomach.


Strangely enough, pregnancy can alter the taste of your breastmilk. If you have a baby or toddler currently nursing still, and they suddenly seem to have an aversion to your breastmilk, it may be due to pregnancy! Talk about weird!


Some women describe feeling “different” as soon as conception takes place. This means, before things really even start rolling, they feel an indescribable emotional shift. I wish I could break it down for you, but no one understands it.

11 Signs Your Anxiety Is Getting Out of Control

Do you ever wonder if the amount of stress you're feeling is normal? (Or if it's become more than that)? Read on to find out if your anxiety is getting out of control. 

Literally, every person on the planet experiences anxiety sometimes. A certain level of anxiety isn’t necessarily a terrible thing. Believe it or not, research even shows that healthy levels of anxiety are related to intelligence and success. But, excessive anxiety can hurt us more than it helps.
Sadly, people dealing with excessive anxiety often accept it as part of life or even their personality. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be! Anxiety is super treatable. There is no reason to just put up with it. Read on to find out if your level of anxiety is just a normal part of life, or if it has crossed over into excessive territory.


This is a pretty simple and subjective sign, but sometimes it really is that straightforward. If you think you seem to be more anxious than other people, you could be right. Sometimes it’s hard to see our own problems clearly, so if people close to you tell you that what you’re experiencing isn’t normal, don’t brush it off. Especially if it’s a person you trust.


If you’re anxious most of the day or most days of the week, that’s probably a sign that it has become unhealthy. There is a wide range of human emotions, so if you’re stuck on “anxious” most of the time, you’re missing out on some good stuff.


If you’ve been dealing with anxiety for more than 6 months, it's time to do something about it. That’s a LONG time to feel such an exhausting emotion! And just being real, if the problem hasn’t resolved itself in 6 months, it’s doubtful that much will change in the next 6 months unless you take action.


It’s normal to worry during finals week, or if you have a parent dealing with health issues. But if you’re worried about failing a test, that your parents will get into an accident on their vacation, and that your best friend is mad at you all at the same time, you’re probably venturing into unhealthy territory. Especially if there aren’t specific reasons to worry about those things.


Anxiety stems from our body’s defensive systems. One result of this protective response is muscle tension. You might not even be aware that you're doing it at the moment, but over time, you'll notice the effects. If you often have neck, back, or jaw pain, it could actually be related to constant muscle tension from anxiety. Muscle tension can also cause feelings of restlessness which makes it hard to sit still or relax.